The Main Toolbar

The main application toolbar provides immediate access to many common editing operations such as:



The following figure shows the main toolbar:




Accessibility:  Docked at the bottom of the main application window.


Description of Components

The following table describes the toolbar icons and their associated actions:


Toolbar operation


File operations

Create New File


Prompts the user with the New file dialog in order to create a new file.

Open File

Open a file in the editor.

Save File


Saves the currently active file. Active only when changes have been made to a file.

Save Files

Saves changes to all active files. Active only when changes have been made to a file.

Reload File


Reloads the active file.




Search the current document for the requested text.

Cut, copy, paste


Cut the current selection from the active document and place it on the clipboard.

Cut to clipboard II


Cut the current selection from the active document and place it on clipboard 2.

Cut to clipboard III


Cut the current selection from the active document and place it on clipboard 3.


Copy the current selection to the clipboard.

Copy to clipboard II


Copy the current selection and place it on clipboard 2.

Copy to clipboard III


Copy the current selection and place it on clipboard 3


Paste the contents of the clipboard into the active document.

Paste from clipboard II


Paste the contents of clipboard 2 into the active document.

Paste from clipboard III


Paste the contents of clipboard 3 into the active document.



The back button is used to jump to previous events on the history list. For more information on the Event stack please refer to the History list topic.


The forward button is used to jump forward through events on the history list. For more information on the Event stack please refer to the History list topic.

Open Matching File


Open the matching file for the current document. For example, if we are working with a .c file and the user selects "Open Matching File" then the corresponding .h file will be opened if it is found.

Brace match


Jumps to the location of the matching brace. The cursor must be adjacent to one of the brace types for this to work.



Undo the previous operation


Redo the previous operation that was undone

Split windows

Split vertically


Split the file editing panel vertically to create two (or more) individual editing panels, one on top of the other.

Split horizontally


Split the file editing panel horizontally to create two (or more) individual editing panels, on to the right of the other.

Remove split windows


Remove the most recently added split window.

Sync split windows


Synchronize window splits to a single file instead of allowing them to occur against the same file.