Edit Menu

The edit menu allows the user to perform common editing operations such as:



The following figure displays the Edit menu. Mouse over any of the menu items for a brief description.






The following table describes the individual options:


Menu Option



Undoes the last action that was performed.


Redoes the last action that was undone.


Cuts the current selection and places it on the clipboard.


Copies the current selection and places it on the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor location in the document.

Other clipboards

Access the contents of one of the other clipboards.


Finds the first match in the document matching the users selection.

Find next

Finds the next item in the document which matches the previous find operation.

Find first

Finds the first item in the document which matches the previous find operation.


Performs a search and replace operation in the current document.

Find in files

Performs a search operation across multiple files.

Brace match

Find the brace which matches the current brace.

Select brace block

Selects the entire block between two braces . The cursor must be located on either brace.

Go to column

Navigates to the specified column number on the current line number.

Go to line

Navigates to the specified line number in the active file.

Convert end of lines

Converts the end of line characters in the current file to the format specified in the settings for the active file.

Select all

Selects the entire contents of the active file.